Our Facilities

Our Facilities

  • 4 Dedicated research exam rooms
  • 3 Private monitor areas with wifi
  • Private patient restroom
  • Temperature controlled, locked and secured drug room

Our Equipment

  • Narcotic Safe
  • ECG machine
  • BP and Pulse Oximetry
  • (-20F) Freezer and (-70F) Freezer
  • Ambient and Refrigerated Centrifuge
  • FibroScan Device

Our Available Diagnostics/Services

  • CT and PET scan
  • MRI and X-ray
  • EGD
  • Colonscopy
  • DEXA Scan
  • Ultrasound
  • Stress Test
  • Spirometry
  • Pollen counting

At our site, CRAs and sponsors have access to:

  • Private monitoring areas
  • Conference room with television
  • Free, on-site parking
  • Private WiFi access
  • Color and Black and White Printer
  • Fax Machine – (843) 851-0394

Learn more about the FibroScan machine, our new state of the art diagnostic service!

FibroScan is a proven technology used for non-invasive examinations of your liver. FDA cleared and clinically validated by over 2,000 peer-reviewed publications, FibroScan works by emitting a small pulse of energy, called a shear wave, which will feel like a light tap on your skin. FibroScan calculates the speed of this energy as it travels through your liver and translates that speed with two scores that your care provider will use to determine the overall health of your liver. The first score is a measure of your livers stiffness, the second score approximates liver fat. The combination of these scores gives your health care provider a better understanding of your livers overall health and how it changes over time with lifestyle or medical intervention. To learn more, click here

For the Patients: FibroScan: Echosens North America. (2020, April 14). Retrieved November 11, 2020, from https://echosens.us/for-patients/